Innovating Beyond Services: New Offerings, More Revenue

For professional service firms like engineering design companies, innovation often focuses on enhancing existing service capabilities – modernizing processes, upskilling talent, or integrating digital tools into consulting and advisory projects. Yet the knowledge, insights and intellectual property amassed within services can provide fertile ground for developing marketable products. Augmenting services with products opens significant new revenue streams while leveraging existing firm expertise.

Asha Labs partners with services firms to systematically mine their experience for product ideas, rapidly validate concepts, give form to high-potential offerings, and drive go-to-market – unlocking game-changing market value from knowledge assets already within these businesses. Our outcome-driven innovation framework combines analytics, design and technical build capabilities to progress from ideas to in-market products tailored to a client’s brand and customer needs.

Strategic Framework to Spark Ideas

We start not by freestyle brainstorming, but by deeply analyzing a service business – its profit drivers, pain points, customer segments and evolutionary needs. We conduct workshops and data analysis to spotlight promosing categories for new products. If serving construction firms, products improving project cost forecasting accuracy, streamlining design reviews or monitoring site safety might emerge. Potential offerings align tightly with established firm capabilities and customer relationships.

We strategically consider four innovation horizons – enhancing existing services, improving internal operations, leveraging data for customer insight and decision products, and entirely new external-facing software/hardware offerings. Across these horizons, analytics uncover the most high-potential spaces for innovation investment. This front-end analytical rigor and strategic framing is vital to directing innovation efforts toward the ripest targets ready to advance from service to salable product.

Envisioning the Future with Concept Visualization

With high-potential product spaces identified, our designers and engineers translate ideas into tangible concepts using leading-edge visualization techniques. We build interactive wireframes and prototypes, data interfaces portraying analytical output, even written narratives or videos conveying a product experience so stakeholders can truly live the innovation firsthand at this early concept phase.

Need a new mobile app feature for field technicians to improve work order closure rates? We’ll code a clickable prototype and gather user feedback before any full development. Seeking a risk analysis dashboard to help quantify project uncertainties? Our data scientists will integrate analytics into a demo decision tool for real-time manipulation. This immersive concept visualization combined with two-way dialogue brings possibilities to life for clients, refining offerings for design and engineering.

Agile Building to Accelerate Time-to-Market

With concepts vetted and prioritized, our product engineers swing into action as an extension of clients’ tech teams. We rapidly assemble products leveraging modular architectures and agile sprints, adapting to evolving requirements and end-user input cultivated via early preview releases. Our focus is accelerating time-to-value – infrastructure, APIs and integrations come together quickly on cloud platforms so that polished minimum viable products ship on aggressive schedules aligned to clients’ commercialization strategies.

We shepherd efficiency at each step – collaborating on build specifications, reviewing architectural options, showcasing progress for stakeholder approvals, and establishing automated testing and deployment pipelines. Our productized service offerings enhance reliability and speed compared to typical one-off in-house builds or ad-hoc outsourced projects. We balance responsiveness with disciplined project governance and product quality frameworks.

Optimizing Go-to-Market and Customer Onboarding

Finally, our end goal is driving adoption – ensuring products generate ROI via delighted customers and revenue momentum. Before market release, we advise on launch tactics across pricing, distribution channels, partner leverage, sales enablement, and campaign messaging tailored to product value propositions. Post-launch, we track KPIs on acquisition, activation, retention, and referrals to optimize activities toward business growth.

We also get hands-on in onboarding key accounts – conducting user workshops, migrating data, integrating with existing systems, and resolving issues during initial rollout phases to set deployments up for long-term success. Compared to product vendors who hand off software and move on, we advise ongoing to maximize market impact.

The Road Ahead – From Services to Products

For professional service leaders, new offerings built upon hard-earned competencies but adapted to emerging customer needs provide a compelling path toward added business value. Tapping data, design and engineering capabilities in a structured pursuit of such innovations allows firms to meet market demands while evolving their organizations. Asha Labs exists to activate and accelerate this progression through validated idea generation, experimental concept realization and rapid development – converting service experience into technology products that propel our clients forward. Let us support your team in this transformation journey with our proven toolkits. The future remains full of possibility!